Happy Veterans Day brothers and sisters. Had I the ability, I would buy you all a beer today.
Excellent article by a fellow Virginian (yeah, I choked up when I read it):
What Does It mean to be a Veteran – David Reavis
“Being a veteran is being part of a brother/sister hood, it is something that you carry with you for the rest of your life. The experience’s that you live through which you are very thankful that you did are life-altering events and can change a person within a split second.
Being a veteran means learning that the measure of a person is WHO they are not WHAT they are. Learning that the person who is a little different from you, is really just like you. They love, they fear, they care, they laugh and they cry…”
According to the Census Bureau there are 17,418,351 veterans that make up 6.9% of the adults in this country.
Period of Service
Gulf War (9/2001 or later) – 3,772,708 21.7%
Gulf War (8/1990 to 8/2001)- 3,834,993 22.0%
Vietnam era veterans – 6,192,877 35.6%
Korean War veterans – 1,156,096 6.6%
World War II veterans – 380,327 2.2%
Source: U.S. Census Bureau – Veterans Day 2020: Nov. 11 and the spreadsheet below I made was from https://data.census.gov/cedsci/table?q=veterans&t=Veterans&tid=ACSST1Y2019.S2101&hidePreview=true
My spreadsheet: https://www.tweakhound.com//files/usvetstats2019.xlsx
Rylan says
I live in Canada, but we must never forget what the brave men and women did for our country.
Eric (a.k.a. TweakHound) says
You got great vets up there. I read where twats at Whole Foods in Canada had to be shamed into backing down on the poppy thing.
Doug says
Happy Veteran’s Day, Eric! Thank you for your service.